Security Teams & Clubs Portal
Always stay consistent and on the same page!
is to help the Team; Advance the Team’s practice and documentation goals together in a consistent, uniform way, primarily by leveraging the utility of Drill Cards. Portability, sortability, shareability and standardization of format saves time in many ways such as organizing activities, selecting, communicating and explaining drills, and provides consistent standards for performance and clear documentation of results.

how the resources may best be used by a team member in both the Student (Member) role and leadership role. The leadership role may or may not be a training role, but a role that sets policy, procedures and organizes activities. In the team format, there is an emphasis on the team all acting consistently and meeting consistent requirements which may include practice requirements and standards.

“ has been, for the past 5 years, a great resource for our church security team because they give us a standardized requirement for each team member. The cards are also a very cost-effective training system to demonstrate proficiency throughout the year as a great supplement to our annual shooting requirement.”
Rich Nowik, Associate Pastor, Director of Security, Mt. Zion Church, Clarkston, MI
For Armed Security Teams including Armed Church Security Teams
Our Concealed Carry Book of Drills with Drill Cards offers volunteer Church Security Teams a way to streamline all practice related activities. Most of these benefits result in saving time and improving clarity and consistency of communication.
5 ways we can help you help your team.
- The Concealed Carry Book of Drills provides members with a full selection of Drill Cards, Log Cards and Loadout Cards. This enables the members to not only document the drills they shoot but also all activities relevant to concealed carry. This can be universally helpful for all shooting activities.
- A large selection of Drill Cards allows the team to always select drills that are relevant to the team practice goals and can be changed at any time with the simple communication of the drill numbers. Drills can also be chosen to help individual team members with specific skills.
- Since Drill Cards are portable, sortable, sharable and standardized they are very convenient to use and save time in all aspects of drill use, such as planning, assignments, shooting and report outs. Drill cards are:
- Portable – Drill Cards are one drill per card and can be carried in the book, in packs or individually.
- Sortable – Sets of drills can be created for practice by combining various Drill Cards. These sets can be created for a team or individual practice as a Practice Pack.
- Sharable – Drill Cards can easily be given to others to use.
- Standardized – Once you’ve read one Drill Card you can read them all as they are in a standard format and self-explanatory. Instructions are consistently presented, and standard information is located in the same areas of the card.
- Drill Attributes and Accuracy – These are part of the standardized drill information and allow drills to be sorted by sets of attributes that relate to skills intended to be practiced. An important attribute is the drill accuracy required to make the shots. The accuracy rating allows selection of drills that are at the appropriate level of difficulty.
- Drill Cards (or copies) may be retained by the Team Leader as a written record of member completion including; drill, member name, date, location, results, and with initialed verification if needed.
- website working in combination with the products provides:
- A Store-Library for members to learn drills for free, to use the drill filter to find the drills they need by drill attributes.
- Church Safety Teams resources provided by other Church Safety Teams that cover many topics of interest (like policy).
- Practice resources through the Student Portal using a continuous improvement framework.
- Email subscription option that provides relevant information on handgun practice.
For Clubs
Our Concealed Carry Book of Drills with Drill Cards offers Clubs a way to streamline activities related to the various uses of drills to support their members, club leadership and club goals. Save time and improve consistency of communication.
Drive club membership through both fun and improvement activities.
5 ways we can help you help your Club.
- The Concealed Carry Book of Drills provides members with a full selection of Drill Cards. Log Cards and Loadout Cards. This enables the member to not only document the drills that are shot but all activities relevant to concealed carry. This can be universally helpful for all shooting activities.
- A large selection of Drill Cards allows the members to always select drills that are relevant to their practice goals and can be changed at any time with the simple communication of the drill numbers.
- Since Drill Cards are portable, sortable, sharable and standardized they are very convenient to use and save time in all aspects of drill use.
- Portable – Drill Cards are one drill per card and can be carried in the book, in packs or individually.
- Sortable – Sets of drills can be created for practice by combining various Drill Cards. These “Practice Packs” or “Event Packs” can be created for any club practice or event.
- Sharable – Drill Cards can easily be given to others to use.
- Standardized – Once you read one Drill Card you can read them all as they are in a standard format and self-explanatory. Instructions are consistently presented, and standard information is in the same areas of the card.
- Drill Attributes and Accuracy – These are part of the standardized drill information and allow drills to be sorted by sets of attributes that relate to skills intended to be practiced. An important attribute is the drill accuracy required to make the shots. The accuracy rating allows selection of drills that are at the appropriate level of difficulty.
- Completed Drill Cards may be retained by the Event Leader as a written record of member completion including; event, drill, member name, date, location, results, and with initialed verification if needed.
- website working in combination with the products provides:
- A Store-Library for members to learn drills for free, to use the drill filter to find the drills you need by drill attributes.
- Ideas for fun Club activities involving drill such as: Drill of the Month practice format, Tactical Tuesday type of tactical learning events and competitive events.
- Practice resources through the Student Portal using a continuous improvement framework.
- Trainer resources through the Trainer Portal for connecting Students with Trainers and maintaining Trainer influence through the Student’s practice regimen.
- Email subscription option that provides relevant information on handgun practice.