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Practice with a Purpose.
With our Concealed Carry Book of Drills and Drill Cards you can… practice with a purpose, what you’ve learned in training, from the skill level you’re at, with the time and ammo you have.
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“And, every course tells them at the end to “Practice, Train.” But the question is “How?” However, few options exist to structure their training. Your system provides such a framework for all these situations. Your system allows documentation of the range time both statistically with the Drill Card and subjectively with the Training Log where they can sum up the experience in their own words.”
“I like throwing lead down range as much as anybody. But while this is fun and can serve as a needed release at times, the primary purpose of live-fire range time is to work on improving our gun handling/shooting skills.
To do this requires a plan with structure and purpose. That’s where your cards come in. I can plan out my entire range session which helps optimize every minute spent at the firing line. I can ensure that I’m working on a variety of skills rather than merely falling back on those that I’m better at and thus require less emphasis.
The cards allow me to track my progress to whatever level of detail I desire to provide feedback and direct me to drills that continue to hone skills where work is most needed. An added bonus is I can use many of these drills in my dry-fire practice at home as well using my laser trainer and other methods.
I have invested thousands of dollars over the years on firearms, shooting accessories, range memberships, and ammo. The Live Fire Drill Cards are by far the best investment I’ve made that help me best utilize of all of those resources. Most important of all, using this system is helping to make me a better shooter.”
Looking for resources to use with your students? Let’s talk.
Meet Steve –
Many people, including me, love to shoot handguns and practice regularly. However, when I practiced at the range I didn’t have a good way to track my progress. My passion for shooting led me to try to find a more effective way to train so I could not only improve but actually tell that I was improving. That second part is not so straightforward because when I couldn’t tell I was improving, I got discouraged and would stop training consistently. This journey led me directly to develop the product I would like to introduce you to; the Live Fire Drill Cards Handgun Training Log.
Our products are focused on one thing which is helping people become better shooters. We do this with drill cards and a simple formula where measurement of practice performance combined with training with a professional trainer produces the best results. And of course, the more you practice using proper and safe technique learned from your trainer, the more your should improve.